Well Done, Black Walnut- A Restaurant Review

A few weeks ago, I travelled to Rice Village (a lovely shopping area behind Rice University), in the pouring rain, by bike, in order to get my hair cut.  After my appointment, I lacked a desire to return to campus, and instead decided to stop for dinner at the Black Walnut Cafe.  I walked into the restaurant, and was immediately greeted by a “gluten-free bread available”.  Still skeptical (maybe they considered this gluten-free thing a fad diet, and were not well-versed in the art of celiac disease), I went up to order.  As soon as I ordered the Rustic Grilled Cheese with gluten-free, I was asked if I had an allergy or intolerance to gluten.  I immediately felt comfortable and awaited my order.

black walnut
check out that porous gluten-free bread. made for a delicious grilled cheese!

I did not get a chance to find out the brand of gluten-free bread I used, but it was quite a delicious sandwich!! The cheese melted fantastically onto the bread, and the bread was grilled to perfection!  It was definitely an unhealthy gluten-free meal worth enjoying, and was the perfect rainy day treat.  I highly recommend trying out Black Walnut Cafe if you’re ever in Houston, especially for brunch, as their omelets are fantastic as well (you can substitute toast with corn tortillas, in true TexMex fashion).

On a side note, I’ve decided to start carrying around a normal camera with me, as the quality on a small LG phone camera just doesn’t do my meals justice.  I’m thinking a Gluten-Free Instagram account is needed ASAP.

Have you tried Black Walnut?  Any other restaurants in Houston with gluten-free menus you’ve especially enjoyed?!  Comment below!

5 thoughts on “Well Done, Black Walnut- A Restaurant Review

  1. That does look like a delicious sandwich. Going to need to check this place out next time I’m in the area for sure. Do you know if they are affiliated with the Black Walnut in The Woodlands?

    1. yes it is! they have restaurant locations on their websites in both Rice Village and the Woodlands! It’s nice to hear from a fellow Houstonian celiac as well. 🙂

    1. Thanks for reaching out!! I’m on summer break so I’m currently not in Houston, but will be back in August and would love to join up with the gluten-free foodie group! Sounds great 🙂

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