Book Giveaway! Gluten-Free Made Easy as 1,2,3

I am a huge proponent of celiac disease awareness and education, and finding helpful books related to gluten-free living and celiac disease often make me excited and eager to read! I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to run a giveaway for TWO copies of Angela McKeller’s best selling book, Gluten-Free Made Easy as 1,2,3: Essentials for Living a Gluten-Free Life.

Enter the giveaway for your chance to win a copy of  Gluten Free Made Easy as 1, 2, 3!!  If the blog post gets 50 LIKES OR RETWEETS, you can enter for the chance to win one of two copies of the book.  I will randomly select two winners out of everyone who likes and/or retweets the post, so be sure to do so!!

Here’s a bit about the book from the author herself:

“I am Chef Angela McKeller, an award winning recipe writer, freelance recipe developer/tester, cookbook author, Frenchie enthusiast, adrenaline junkie, and avid foodie! I began as a recipe developer 6 years ago, and and went on to be invited to appear on The Food Network, Georgia Public Broadcasting, ABC’s Carolina Cooks, and in many print publications like Points North Magazine, Good Housekeeping, The Daily Meal, CBS’ Man Cave Daily and much more. In the midst of all the media frenzy, I went on to write cookbooks, one being a best seller on Amazon, “Gluten-Free Made Easy as 1,2,3: Essentials for Living a Gluten-Free Life”.

Growing up, I always knew that I wanted to be a chef, but being invited to appear on the The Food Network with Paula Deen, ABC’s “Carolina Kitchen”, Georgia Public Broadcasting’s “Georgia Cooks” with Chef Marvin Woods – well, it was more than I ever dreamed possible. I published my first cookbook several years ago, “Passion on a Plate”, to honor my best friend, mentor, and great-grandmother, my constant source of unconditional love. She taught me the love of cooking and developed my passion for it.

Later, after bombing an interview with Southern Living, I realized I suffered with gluten sensitivity. When I mastered it (and it was a fluke that I figured it out), I decided that the millions of others suffering with it had to know that living GF is not only easy, but delicious! From my heart, soul, and kitchen to yours – I bring you books that I hope enrich your life, and put food on the table that nourishes you and your family, and makes you feel like a rock star! Let me know what else you need, and I’d LOVE to help you with it!”

Make sure to tweet about the book, and like this post! 

The giveaway close September 7th at 12:00 a.m., so make sure to enter soon!

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